Deep networks have shown outstanding scaling properties both in terms of data and model sizes: larger performs better. Unfortunately, the computational cost of current state-of-the-art methods is prohibitive. A number of new techniques have recently arisen to address and improve this fundamental quality-cost trade-off. Methods like conditional computation, adaptive computation, dynamic model sparsification, and early-exit approaches aim to address the above mentioned quality-cost trade off. This workshop explores such exciting and practically-relevant research avenues. As part of contributed content we will invite high-quality papers on the following topics: dynamic routing, mixture-of-experts models, early-exit methods, conditional computations, capsules and object-oriented learning, reusable components, online network growing and pruning, online neural architecture search and applications of dynamic networks (continual learning, wireless/embedded devices and similar topics).
The 1st Dynamic Neural Networks workshop will be a hybrid workshop at ICML 2022 on July 22, 2022. Our goal is to advance the general discussion of the topic by highlighting contributions proposing innovative approaches regarding dynamic neural networks.
- The recording of our workshop is available now!
- Workshop schedule is announced!
- Accepted papers (poster and oral presentations) are announced. Congratulations to all authors!
- Microsoft CMT Submission portal is now open!
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2022 (Anywhere on Earth)
Author Notification: June 13, 2022
Video Deadline: June 28th, 2022
Camera Ready Deadline: July 9, 2022
Workshop Day: July 22, 2022
Speakers (More Info)
Invited Speakers
Panel Chairs
Program Committee
- Canwen Xu, UC San Diego
- Yigitcan Kaya, University of Maryland
- Maciej Wolczyk, Jagiellonian University
- Bartosz Wojcik, Jagiellonian University
- Yoshitomo Matsubara, Amazon Alexa AI
- Thomas Verelst, KU Leuven
- Alessio Devoto, Sapienza Università di Roma
- Alessio Verdone, La Sapienza
- André Susano Pinto, Google Research
- Andrea Bacciu, Sapienza University of Rome
- Andrea Mastropietro, Sapienza University of Rome
- Andreas Steiner, Google Brain
- Bartosz Wójcik, Jagiellonian University
- Bartosz Zieliński, Jagiellonian University
- Basil Mustafa, Google
- Battista Biggio, University of Cagliari
- Canwen Xu, UC San Diego
- Claudio Gallicchio, University of Pisa
- Daniel Marczak, Warsaw University of Technology
- Fabrizio Silvestri, Sapienza
- Filip Szatkowski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Giulia Cassarà, Sapienza University of Rome
- Ilya Tolstikhin, Google
- Indro Spinelli, Sapienza University of Rome
- Irene Tallini, Sapienza University of Rome
- Jary Pomponi, Università di Roma Sapienza
- Jieyu Lin, University of Toronto
- Joan Puigcerver, Google
- Kamil Deja, Warsaw University of Technology
- Karol Piczak, Jagiellonian University
- Konrad Cop, Warsaw University of Technology
- Lev Telyatnikov, Sapienza University
- Maciej Szymkowski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Maciej Wołczyk, Jagiellonian University
- Maciej Zieba, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
- Manuel Roveri, Politecnico di Milano
- Massimo Panella, University of Rome Sapienza
- Mateusz Ostaszewski, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics
- Michał Bortkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology
- Michał Sadowski, Jagiellonian University
- Michele Scarpiniti, Sapienza University of Rome
- Mohanad Odema, University of California Irvine
- Monika Wysoczańska, Warsaw University of Technology
- Paweł Wawrzyński, Warsaw University of Technology
- Philippe Tillet, OpenAI
- Przemysław Spurek, Jagiellonian University
- Sai Qian Zhang, Harvard University
- Stanislaw Pawlak, Warsaw University of Technology
- Surat Teerapittayanon, Harvard University
- Thomas Unterthiner, Google Research
- Thomas Verelst, KU Leuven
- Utku Evci, Google
- Valerio Marsocci, Sapienza University of Rome
- Witold Oleszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology
- Wojciech Masarczyk, Warsaw University of Technology
- Xin Dong, Harvard Univeristy
- Yigitcan Kaya, University of Maryland
Contact: icmldynamicnn@gmail.com